Our volunteers make all of our programs possible! Learn more about our committees and volunteer opportunities.
Academia 2 Industry Committee
The AWIS-SD Academia 2 Industry (A2I) Committee hosts informal gatherings for individuals in academia who are interested in transitioning to a career in industry. These quarterly events, featuring speakers who share their experiences and insights, are announced via email and posted on our website.
AWIS-SD Leadership Network (ALN)
The Leadership Network is a sub-group of AWIS-SD for members in senior leadership roles in academia or industry. Activities focus on the specific needs of this peer group and will consist of presentations by guest speakers, roundtable discussions, and/or informal discussions.
Career Advancement Committee
The goal of the Career Advancement (Early to Mid-Career) Committee is to provide tools to members to aid in advancing their careers. Transitioning into industry from academia or advancing your career can present some difficulties or hurdles and we are not always prepared for these challenges. We would like to engage members with guest speakers and discussions on challenges that we face in the early to mid-career. Currently seeking new members and Co-Chairs!
Corporate Sponsorship Committee
The mission of the Corporate Sponsorship Committee is to engage local biotech and technology companies, research organizations and service providers, and to provide them the opportunity to support women in the local scientific community through the sponsorship of AWIS-SD events and academic scholarships.
Events Committee
Events Chair:
The mission of the events comittee is to provide an opportunity to create connections among people interested in promoting women working in science.
Newsletter Committee
The purpose of the Newsletter is to report on Chapter activities and to provide information about issues that may be of interest to AWIS-San Diego members. The Newsletter typically includes profiles of AWIS members, descriptions of AWIS events, information about non-AWIS events, and articles about science, technology and health.
Outreach Committee
The mission of the Outreach Committee is to inspire the San Diego community about STEM and encourage young women interested in STEM careers. The committee organizes and participates in STEM events, supports equity and diversity in STEM and promotes the visibility of women as STEM professionals and role models.
Public Relations Committee
The goal of the Public Relations Committee (PR) is to increase public awareness and interest in the AWIS San Diego Chapter as a STEM organization dedicated to advancing equity by providing our members with career advancement opportunities for each career stage through networking, leadership, and professional development program offerings.
Scholarship Committee
The mission of the Scholarship Program is to annually award scholarships to female students pursuing their degrees, conducting research projects, or assisting with additional educational expenses, with an emphasis on STEM fields, where women are underrepresented.
Website Committee
Website Chair:
The mission of the Website committee is to provide information about the programs and activities of the San Diego Chapter of AWIS to members and non-members. The website committee works with the AWIS Board and Committee Chairs to ensure that the information appearing on the website is current.